Wednesday, June 1, 2011

FOUND :: First Ever FOUND Flea Market!

In 2011, FOUND decided to do something they had never done before. They wanted to host a "Flea Market" for their customers, offering generous discounts on merchandise in order to make room for new and exciting things for summer. Each piece for this event was created as if you were to see an advertisement painted on the side of a barn for a more country, flea feel.

1. Ad :: This ad was created for the March/April 2011 issue of Columbus' Capital Style Magazine. FOUND advertises for each issue and thought this would be a great "teaser" opportunity to get the attention of our current and future customers. Created in: Adobe Photoshop CS2 & Adobe InDesign CS2.

2. Invitation/Flyer :: This flyer was sent to the 750 customers on the current mailing list. I created this in the shape of a hang tag to give the feel of the tags one sees on items at an antique store or flea market. Each piece was strung with twine and mailed in an envelope. Created in: Adobe Photoshop CS2 & Adobe InDesign CS2.

3. Window Decals :: Decals were created for each of the front windows of FOUND. They went up a week before the event. After our holiday sale, it was noticed that placing decals on the front windows noticeably brought in more customers than usual. It was an attention grabber for those shopping the downtown Powell area, as well as those driving by the store. Created in: Adobe InDesign CS2.

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