Wednesday, June 1, 2011

FOUND :: Grand Reopening!

While the four year anniversary approached this spring, FOUND wanted to freshen up the store, closing for an entire week and a half and do a little remodeling. They brought in color, new merchandise, and a new look--straying from the industrial look they have been doing since they opened that everyone is now doing, bringing a bold new look. I was excited to help bring new change to the store with a French inspired look.

1. First, I created a logo, inspired by the bistro chairs and tables all around Paris. This logo was carried out through every part of FOUND. It became the decals for the front windows, used on the invitation for the grand reopening party, was posted on our blog and facebook page, and the first picture on the website. Created in: Adobe Illustrator CS2.

2. After being closed for a week and a half, FOUND reopened with an event, sending out invitations to our top 150 customers. Since the store was closed for a week, they wanted the invitation to be more of a teaser and kept the text/information simple, leaving the customer's curiosity bring them to the gathering. The main color of the store is a Verbena green and the signature grey of FOUND. The back reads "You are invited!" in French, which was the first thing customers read as they pulled the special invite out of the envelope.
3. Window Decals designed for the reopening.

Created in: Adobe Illustrator CS2 & Adobe InDesign CS2. Printed by: Pip Printing, Lewis Center, Ohio.

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